Tuesday 28 April 2009

Soul Man Mag

The idea behind the name Soul Man is that it's a famous blues song by the Blues Brothers, which blues and soul fans would be able to relate to and would act as a sort of "inside joke." The name Soul Man was also the most popular; 40% of my questionaire results favoured Soul Man; whilst only 10% favoured Discoteque, 33% favoured MINOR, 17% favoured Neo-Soul.
The name Soul Man does have patriarchal undertones which may portray the ideology that only male blues and soul artists are good and worth mentioning in a magazine. However I will purposely have a woman on my front cover, opposing this idea.
I mainly chose the name Soul Man because my favoured audience prefered it, and I prefered it, because it sounded nice when said out loud, and I believe that it will be memorable and will then very quickly be known as an established magazine.

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