Friday 8 May 2009

Audience/Focus Groups

I asked 5 members of my target audience to conduct a ‘focus group’ to find out how my magazine had come across to them. This is how it went…
“What are some things you like about the front cover?”• “The colours are warm which will reflect the contents of the magazine.”
• “The makeup looks good and the girl looks attractive which would make people want to buy the magazine.”
• “I like the font because it looks very retro and the line under the title is clever.”
• “The scribbles are cute and random.”
• “The photo looks professional.”
“What are some things you did not like about the front cover?”• “There are not enough cover lines.”
• “The girl looks like she is wearing too much makeup, not raw like soul music.”
“What are some things you liked about the contents page?”• “The polaroids look nice.”
• “There are a good amount of articles.”
• “The different fonts are fun looking.”
• “The whole page just looks quite professional looking.”
• “I like the colour theme going on.”
“What are some things you did not like about the contents page?”• “There are too many different fonts and it just looks too busy.”
• “There are too many articles”
• “There aren’t enough images.”
• “The contents page doesn’t go with the front cover and the double page spread.”
“What are some things you liked about the double page spread?”• “The colours are nice and the composition of the page is just generally good.”
• “The article is cute and the polaroids look good on the side.”
• “I think the photo is very unusual and effective. The article is pretty good too.”
• “I like the photo because it isn’t what you would normally see on a double page spread.”
“What are some things you did not like about the double page spread?”
• “The article could have been written better but the photos are not too bad.”
• “I think you should have used different colours to differentiate this artist from the rest of the magazine.”
• “The article could have been better.”

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