Friday 8 May 2009


Front cover
The mast head developed conventions, as it is on the top of the page like a typical mast head but it has an unusual typeface and is lit up which develops conventions. I have included only one cover line, to follow the example of Blues and Soul Magazine. This portrays the ideology that if a singer is on the front cover they are the most important thing in the magazine at that moment.
If I were to repeat the project I would have more cover lines because I believe that everyone should have the same amount of spotlight. I have created my own barcode and placed it in the bottom right corner of the page which is where it typically goes and therefore this is conforming to conventions. I have also conformed to conventions by using a medium close up image which is usually what would go on the front cover of a music magazine and the colours are warm because the type of music being portrayed is soul music, which is typically ‘warm.’
I have broken conventions by not including any inset images on the front cover because Blues and Soul Magazine did not have any and I didn’t want the inset images taking attention away from the main image. I have also broken conventions by not including any pugs, which I thought would make the page over crowded and unappealing to my target audience.
I have conformed to conventions by including a selling line and a date, to make the magazine look more professional and established however I have challenged conventions by placing the date at the bottom of the page instead of at the top, because I didn’t want too many things at the top of the page and not many on the bottom.
Selling line, use

I have broken conventions by not having a main image on the contents page. What I did instead was use a few inset images together and use them as the main image. Therefore I have developed conventions instead of just conforming. I have conformed to conventions by keeping the title in the style of the mast head to follow the house style of the magazine. I have broken conventions by having a lot of different typefaces instead of a steady typeface the whole way through. This is because the contents page, which is a way to see a representation of the whole magazine on one page, and I don’t want the contents page to look boring with only one typeface.

Double Page Spread
I have conformed to conventions by writing the article in columns and writing the article as a story with some quotes in, instead of a question-answer format. This is because I wanted my article to be professional and sophisticated instead of just simple questions and answers. I developed conventions by using a large image on my double page spread but it is an unusual picture that is sort of controversial. I have conformed to conventions by using inset images, the Polaroid photos which follow the house style, which are seen on the contents page. The captions have developed conventions by having a handwritten style of typeface which is not common.

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