Friday 8 May 2009

Technology/Lessons learnt

I used a Panasonic DMC FX55 camera with a Leica lens. I have learnt how to use specific things on the camera, for instance how to alter exposure and white balance which I didn’t know how to use before. By using these tools I have ensured that the photographs I took were of high quality and would be easy to use on Photoshop afterwards.

I already knew a little bit about how to use Adobe Photoshop, however over the course of this task I have learnt so much more about it. For instance I have learnt a lot about how to use the patch tool and colour variations. I used Blending Tools which were an easy way to make something look more interesting and nicer. I used burn tool quite a lot which proved very useful, especially when making the subject look like she has makeup on when she hasn’t. Burn tool is also very useful when you have taken a photo with too much exposure.

I learnt how to use Macromedia Fireworks, because I needed to make a glow around the mast head, and the blending tools on Photoshop were not making the effect I wanted. I don’t think Fireworks is as good and versatile as Photoshop is, however it proved useful and quite easy to use when you get into it.

Throughout the course of this task I have also learnt a lot about using blogs and the effectiveness of it. I have learnt about how to use HTML to put things onto a web log and also learnt how a blog can make things easier to handle.

Whilst writing my article, I have learnt how to use a video camera which helped me record my fake interview. I used a Panasonic Camcorder which was fairly easy to use but took time setting up. I learnt how to use a tripod to keep the camera still and I learnt how to upload videos onto I also listened to many interviews on to learn techniques of how to conduct an interview and I read some articles from Paste Magazine and from Blues and Soul Magazine to think of suitable questions to ask my fake artist.

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