Monday 4 May 2009


I created the bathtub photo by scaling the original photo up so it fills the page up from top to bottom and then moved it so there was enough room for the article to fit in. I used magic wand tool to select all the parts that were not her or the bathroom (the floor, etc) and deleted, then cleaned up the rest using the erase tool.

I used the idea of how to make Polaroid style images from when I created the contents page. I created 3 Polaroids with photos of the artist “from stages of her life” and then tilted them by clicking on the outline and moving the cursor around the image.

I created the red background by using a really large but soft red brush tool and just lightly skimmed half of the page to give it some colour. It looks good because it matches the house style of the front cover which is dominated by red colour.

The content was very difficult for me because I am not very good with writing articles, so I filmed a “fake” interview with the “artist” to make it easier for me to write the article afterwards using the quotes she used. The video below:

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