Sunday 3 May 2009


The other photograph i wanted to use for the front cover was this one:

I used the crop tool to make the image more of the subject’s face. This is because the original photo was too centered and therefore it would have been hard for me to fit coverlines in. The reason I cropped it like that is so that I still had the darkened side of her photo where the natural sunlight didn’t reach, which I think was effective because it looks mysterious and kind of “epic” as a famous artist on the front cover of a music magazine.

Then I used the patch tool to get rid of any imperfections (spots, etc) which wouldn’t be seen on a professional front cover photograph. I did not edit out the subjects natural freckles because it would take away from her natural beauty.

Then I used the burn tool around the eyes (on about 30 px) and then used a really large brush size to darken her face from the unlit side, to add to the shadow already present. I did not use burn tool on her cheek bones because I really like the paleness of her skin which looks almost angelic (because in our culture white signifies purity and cleanliness.)

Because I couldn’t choose which one I liked better I asked my class which they preferred and about 70% said they had preferred the first one, because of the makeup and also because it was a medium close up and looked more realistic as a front cover.

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