Sunday 3 May 2009


I had two main choices for the possible front covers.


Firstly I edited the brightness/contrast as shown to heighten the contrast and lower the brightness, to make the photo look richer in colour.

Then I used the burn tool from the tool selection, which is used to darken areas. I used this on the subject’s eyes and also on the cheek bones to make the subject appear as if she is wearing more makeup than she is in reality. This is to make her look more like a celebrity, which will later be anchored by the mast head which is lit up which also conveys the idea of stardom.

I then made the brush larger to 70 px and used the burn tool on the subjects hair. I had used too much exposure on my camera when taking these photographs, and hadn't noticed until it was too late for another photoshoot; so I had to use Photoshop to fix this problem. Burn tool returned her natural colour and even made it look richer.

A problem I had with this photo however was that I had to move it to the side so I could fit some cover lines in, however I didn’t have enough image on the right of the subject to do this.  What I did was use another photo of just the subject’s arm, and superimposed it over the current one. Then I used the clone tool to even things out and smooth things over.

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